Tuesday, May 5, 2009

You are my fire,

My one desire.

Today was good. Today was great. Today was lovely. Today was uplifting.
Though I don't believe I acheived as much as I could have, I still feel quite accomplished. Maybe it was the lack of hallwalking or doing a test first thing in the morning. The test was so easy, by the way. I don't understand how people failed it. Ugh I sound vain. During period 2, I went to math. I never realized how simple y-formulas could be. Come to think of it, I'm beginning to like math again.. I'm feeling brown and nerdy! (That was an attempt to parody that Riding Dirty song, if you didn't notice, ahah). Period 3, I ran with Larissa and Joan Reed-Lutz (Ha! You owe me another one) for phys ed. I actually did a lap without breaking my pace! The trick is to breathe through your nose ahah. I think I really have improved, but alas, my flab remains. Hmm, then we had lunch outside again, it was b-e-a-utiful! (Jim Carrey reference, whaat?). The ice cream truck (one source of flab) didn't come, so I couldn't get a slushie for my throat. It still feels like something is festering in it.

Then along comes periods 4 and currently 5. I'm in the computer lab, it's nice here. I have been here only once before, struggling with TLE's. Not that they were hard, I just didn't know how they worked. Well now I do. I'm typing up my "short" story and hoping it fits in 3 pages. If anything, I think I'll just make the spacing a tad smaller. :)

And of course, dem boy tiingsz. Oh jeez, why do people type or talk like that? Doesn't it get on your nerves sometimes? Anway, I saw him a couple of times today. I was happily surprised because I thought he was going on the tech trip. If I knew he wasn't, I would have gone upstairs before TA and got another look at him ;) Oh my God. I sound so girly, it's terrible. **HOLY MOTHER OF PEARL, I accidentally pressed that pesky Back button on the mouse, and thought I lost everything, haha** Anyway, I saw him a couple of times again during the day in the halls. Probably thinking, "Wow, whattaniner,"

Anyway, time to get back to work! I have to do security for the tech part of the art show from 3-4 and then I have to pick up the DVD I put on hold from the library (they never called to say it was available!!)

Latesss, xox

Currently listening to: I Want It That Way by The Backstreet Boys
Namedrop of the day: Jim Carrey

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