Monday, June 1, 2009

You wear your heart on your sleeve

I threw mine to the sky.

This post is going to be dedicated solely to the amazing band that is The Cab. I don't know if you've heard their stuff, but you should and they sound just amazing. God, I can't believe it and don't know how to say it other than "Ian left the band". For all you already-fans who might have stumbled across my blog, I feel your pain. Okay well it's been an hour since I started typing this post, so I'm going to have to cut it short.

Basically, I'm really sad to see Ian go, but I hope he excels in whatever he chooses to pursue next. Though I wish I could have met him at a show and could have heard more music with The Cab from him, I'm glad he didn't sell out. He didn't particularly like playing the genre of music The Cab was, and he stayed true to himself. The Cab isn't left for dead though, Singer said their friend Bryan Dawson is going to play with them. I am definitely sad right now, but in the end, I know I'll be happy. For Ian, The Cab, and myself. This change marks the beginning of more change, and with The Cab, it's bound to be great.

Peace, xox

Currently listening to: Bounce by The Cab

I got the information from Singer's blog first, then checked Cash's and he posted about it, too.

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